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Le Pôle "Radio1 IRM"
La Clinique du Sport avec son "Pôle Radio2 Scanner" et la Clinique de la Femme avec son "Pôle Imagerie de la femme"
au 106 ch de Morcy à Thonon-les-Bains...

2 General Electric Logiq E10 ultrasound scanners commissioned in December 2019, equipped with all the available probes, which offer the latest generation imaging allowing general and specialized explorations, in particular osteo-articular.
1 General Electric P9 ultrasound machine commissioned in 2017 specializing in bone and joint pain.
Conventional radiology
1 flat panel radiology table with dynamic fluoroscopy put into service in May 2014 (NEHS - Swing) in order to reduce the radiation delivered to patients.
1 dental panoramic commissioned in December 2020 (NEHS - Carestream).
(equipment in cooperation with the public sector)
IRM 1,5 Tesla SIEMENS (Morcy)
IRM 1,5 Tesla CANON (installée depuis mai 2023 à Morcy)
Cross-sectional imaging with cone beam scanner
1 scanner Cone Beam mis en service en novembre 2023 (NewTom 7G)
This is a cone beam digitized volume tomography device: a new medical imaging tool with multiple applications in the evaluation of dento-maxillary and facial structures, ENT (sinuses, rocks, ears, etc.) and osteo-articular (foot, wrist, knee, ankle, elbow).
Technical advantages of the cone beam
More precise than a panoramic X-ray and less irradiating than the conventional CT scan, the cone beam takes images of the mineralized tissues of the skull (bones and teeth) in all spatial planes, offering the possibility of a computer reconstruction in three dimensions. It uses an open conical beam which allows it to scan the entire volume to be x-rayed in a single pass, unlike the traditional scanner which for its part makes linear cuts by multiple rotations.
This new device therefore offers a higher image resolution than that of the scanner.
Its dosimetry (exposure to ionizing rays) is globally between that of the panoramic and that of the traditional scanner, with doses that can vary from 1.5 to 12 compared to the scanner and from 4 to 42 compared to the panoramic depending on the devices and of the resolution used. This is why the panoramic remains privileged in first intention, while, according to the recommendations of the high health authority, the cone beam is indicated in certain specific cases in dental implantology, in endodontics, in oral surgery, in maxillofacial surgery. and traumatology, in dentofacial orthopedics.
ENT, orthopedics & Cone beam
Le cone beam permet l'exploration du corps entier, mais est particulièrement performant pour l'étude des sinus, de l'appareil auditif en ORL ou encore en orthopédie.
Surgical guides in implantology & Cone beam
If it does not bring any real advantage in terms of diagnosis, three-dimensional modeling can allow the development of surgical guides. Assisted by computer, the practitioner will thus create with precision a device allowing, in the case of implantology, to fix the dental prosthesis taking into account the morphology of the patient, as for example in the case of a reduced bone mass.

Pôle "d'Imagerie de la femme" Mammographie - échographie - biopsie - ostéodensitométrie
Mammographe micro-dose Selenia 3DIMENSIONSTM 3D TOMOSYNTHESE Hologic Stephanix installé en Janvier 2022
3 Echographes CANON Haut de Gamme AplioA mis en service en janvier 2023, dotés de toutes les sondes disponibles, qui offrent une imagerie de dernière génération permettant des explorations générales et spécialisées.
Ostéodensitomètre Hologic type HORIZON Ci installé en janvier 2023

Pôle "Radio2 Scanner" Radiographie - Scanner - Infiltration thérapeutique - Traitement de la douleur - Imagerie musculo-squelettique
Table D2RS 90/90 installée en janvier 2023
2 Echographes General Electric Lo giq E10 mis en service en décembre 2019, dotés de toutes les sondes disponibles, qui offrent une imagerie de dernière génération permettant des explorations générales et spécialisées
Scanner Energy GE (en coopération avec le secteur public)